Israel Palestine For Dummies

Israel Palestine For Dummies

I want to start off by saying if you’re new here, welcome and thank you. Odds are, you’ve probably been watching my videos for a while, and now with this newsletter, I can connect with you in a way where I won’t be censored. The format for this thing goes as follows:

Some pieces of current news

A blog I write just for you guys.

I do this because if you scroll to the bottom of any of my first eight editions, those blogs still hold up. Meaning anyone joining this community later than all of you can play catch-up quickly. While today’s stock market will be different than tomorrow’s, the stories I write about our pedophilic politicians will remain relevant. Except, this newsletter is a little different because today, the long-form blog is about the news. Over the next few days, we will break down the Middle East’s conflict for dummies. Now, take the gun out of your mouth and start reading.

Israel Palestine For Dummies:

While people like to say that the Israel, Palestine conflict spans back to people shitting in the street and walking around with open wounds, that’s not true. A quick Google search will tell you that this feud started in 1948, but it really started almost one hundred years earlier in England. Welcome to Israel v. Palestine, for dummies.

The year was 1840, and some of the most influential men in England were beginning to use mainstream newspapers to push for Jewish people to return to their holy land of Jerusalem. At this point, England was still the greatest empire in the world, and they also knew that people around the world are always gunning for the top dog. These men wanted a Jewish return to Jerusalem for two reasons: they were Christian Zionists (meaning they believed that for Jesus to return to Earth, the Jewish population had to return to their holy land, also known as Zion), and they also believed this would be a strategic move to beat France to the Middle East. Make no mistake, they were anti-semites, but they saw a Jewish state as a way to appease Christ and their future imperial endeavors.

In 1869, the Suez Canal became the first waterway that could efficiently bring goods and raw materials from the Red Sea to the Mediterranean Sea. Considering the project was completed decades before Orville and Wilbur Wright took the maiden flight, it was a big deal, and it provided just another reason for the UK to want a Nation of Jewish allies in Palestine. An allied group on the North End of the Suez Canal (where modern-day Israel is) would have sufficed as a perfect way to make sure British interests were being addressed.

It’s now the 1870s, and at this point in our timeline, a few important people start doing a few important things. One of those people was Cecil Rhodes. Have any of you ever heard of the Rhodes scholarship at Oxford University? How about Rhodesia, which was what Zimbabwe was called until 1980? Those are consequences of Cecil Rhodes, a man who fearfully saw Britain losing its grasp on being the world’s greatest power throughout his life in the nineteenth century.

Since he was a British supremacist, Rhodes came up with the idea of starting a secret society to defend the interests of the British elite. He wanted to found a social, intellectual club with members ranging from high-society economists to royals and thought-leaders- kind of like the Hype House if it determined global chess instead of being a group of teens semi-erotically dancing to Sean Paul. Sadly for Rhodes, he had health complications from when he was young and died at forty-eight, unable to become the Michael Gruen of British politics. But Rhodes’ dream didn’t die. Rhodes had a well-connected friend named Alfred Milner, who lived a long, healthy life and could deliver on Rhodes’ wishes. And in the early twentieth century, the Round Table Group was formed. We’ll get back to them in a minute.

As British elites are conversing on how to pillage Africa, European Jews begin to feel antsy. Led by Theodor Herzl, Jewish people experiencing anti-semitism (I’m talking about real deal anti-semitism, by the way) all across Europe started buying into this idea of a Jewish state. Because why the fuck wouldn’t they? As a Catholic, the Vatican is not only spiritually important to me, it’s sick- show me one thing an atheist has built that holds a candle to Vatican City, and I’ll join Antifa tomorrow. Until a non-binary ice cream shop owner in Portland builds a marble dome by hand, I’ll support the idea of Abrahamic religions having beautiful capitals. Back to Herzl, who authored the very influential pamphlet The Jewish State in 1896. Herzl’s ideology grew in support, and he organized a world congress of Zionists that met in Basel, Switzerland, in 1897. He also became the first president of the World Zionist Organization. Between 1882 and 1903, approximately 35,000 Jews moved to Palestine.

The year is now 1903, and a Russian man named Pavel Krushevan does one of the worst things that have ever happened to Jewish people. In a small Russian newspaper, Krushevan became the first to publish The Protocols of the Elders of Zion. For those of you unfamiliar with, The Protocols of the Elders of Zion is a fictitious booklet that reads like Jewish people made it for Jewish people as a message that they were going to conspire together to take over the world. The Protocols first popped up in Russia around 1902 and the real author of the booklet is unknown. To put in perspective how bad this book was for Jews, this would be like if a black woman who hated white men started floating around a PDF titled How We Are Going To Take Them All Out after George Floyd died, and what Krushevan did was basically post that PDF on The Daily Loud. As we’ve seen time and time again, once people have established something as true, regardless of the facts, it is nearly impossible to change their mind, which is why The Protocols is still referenced today (in alt-right circles) while talking about the Jews.

As you can imagine, The Protocols of the Elders of Zion led to rampant anti-semitism in Russia. Unsurprisingly, many Jews chose, or were highly encouraged, to emigrate from Tsarist Russia. They headed for places like Great Britain and America. In 1880, the population of Jews in New York City was 230,000. In 1914, this population had reached 1.75 million, an increase of over 700%.

The year is now 1914, and World War One has just begun. Alfred Milner, the founder of the Round Table Group, saw a younger version of himself in a man named Leo Amery and decided to take him in as his protege. Leo Amery gained popularity with members of The Round Table Group as a leading editorial staff member of The Times, a London-based newspaper filled with members of The Round Table Group and others trying to join. Alfred Milner gave Amery one goal: to get ready for a British-controlled and Jewish-occupied Palestine.

For those who don’t know, World War One was fought by two sides: one with Germany, Austria-Hungary, and The Ottoman Empire (where Israel was) and one with everybody else.

Meaning, that once the Ottoman Empire fell, it was going to be like Black Friday for the biggest powers in Europe. To ensure the pie was split fairly, the strongest European countries (Britain, France, Italy, and Russia) agreed to certain terms. Those terms eventually netted Britain (but really the Round Table Group) control over what to do with Palestine. In November 1917, The Balfour Agreement was secretly created.

The letter stated the position, agreed to at a British Cabinet meeting on October 31, 1917, that the British government supported Zionist plans for a National home for the Jewish people within Palestine‎ with the condition that nothing should be done that might prejudice existing communities’ rights.

The declaration was made in a letter from Arthur James Balfour (Foreign Secretary and member of The Round Table Group) to Lord Rothschild (Walter Rothschild, whose Father was a good friend of Cecil Rhodes), a leader of the British Jewish community, for transmission to the World Zionist Organization. Yes, the same organization was started by Theodor Herzl in 1897.

Give yourself a minute because I know that’s a lot.

It’s since been discovered that Arthur Balfour was not actually the man who wrote this letter and that the two real authors were Alfred Milner and Leo Amery (The Anglo-American Establishment by Georgetown Professor Carroll Quigley). Remember that newspaper we discussed before? The Times? Well, The Times then published The Protocols of the Elders of Zion for the first time in English, ensuring that anti-semitism would rise in Britain and that Jewish citizens would want to immigrate to their newfound sanctuary.

Tune in on Friday for part two, where we discuss how global elites in England were able to create a conflict that has left thousands of Jewish and Muslim children dead. And yes, I’m writing George Soros Part Two; I didn’t expect the Middle East to pop off in the meantime.

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